About Us

The South Rift Valley region of Kenya where SORALO works spans an area of approximately 850,000 hectares (2,100,396 acres) covering a range of topographic and ecological conditions and hosts one of the richest large mammal assemblages on earth. The productivity and survival of wildlife and livestock in this area depend on a common ecological strategy rooted in mobility and feeding efficiency. This has made it possible for wildlife and pastoral livestock to co-exist for over 3,000 years without significant degradation of the environment. This area comprises of mainly arid and semi-arid lands, and unfortunately has a history of long-term marginalization and neglect, particularly by governmental policies and departments. However due to its rich culture, wildlife, ecology and landscape the potential for diversification of land use and livelihood generation, particularly through tourism, is high.

Area Map

Area Map

Monday, June 21, 2010

Proposed Education Programs for the South Rift

Given the current environmental challenges facing arid and semi arid areas such as: environmental degradation, climate change, land use changes; children need to be informed sufficiently since they are the future leaders and beneficiaries of their environment.

Proposed Environmental School Activities

o    Formation of environmental clubs
o    Inter school competitions on environmental issues
o    Water and energy preservation and harnessing
o    Use of renewable and green energy
o    Recycling of waste products to reduce pollution and provide an alternative source of energy
o    Environmental re-greening and rangelands rehabilitation program

Information Sharing

Access to computers for pastoralist children is a major challenge.  Their counterparts, who sit for the same exams, have a competitive edge because they start using computers in class one.  Pastoralist children have to look for computer courses after their high school education is complete which can be expensive for parents and delays their entry into the workforce.   The Resource Centre, being the hub of research in the area, will provide training and learning materials to encourage children to visit the centre and interact with researchers and community members.  The centre hopes to gain access to computers, a projector screen, and video equipment, and also improve upon their solar power system to enhance this information-sharing atmosphere.

Supplementary Feeding Program

The last drought caused a lot of schools in the region to close and many children were unable to attend classes due to lack of food both at home and in schools. SORALO would like to establish a dairy goat program for schools to provide milk that could be partly used by the schools, but could also be sold to purchase cereals to feed the children. This program could also be used as a model to look at the quality of the products produced by a single animal rather than keeping too many animals that have less value in terms of production.

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