About Us

The South Rift Valley region of Kenya where SORALO works spans an area of approximately 850,000 hectares (2,100,396 acres) covering a range of topographic and ecological conditions and hosts one of the richest large mammal assemblages on earth. The productivity and survival of wildlife and livestock in this area depend on a common ecological strategy rooted in mobility and feeding efficiency. This has made it possible for wildlife and pastoral livestock to co-exist for over 3,000 years without significant degradation of the environment. This area comprises of mainly arid and semi-arid lands, and unfortunately has a history of long-term marginalization and neglect, particularly by governmental policies and departments. However due to its rich culture, wildlife, ecology and landscape the potential for diversification of land use and livelihood generation, particularly through tourism, is high.

Area Map

Area Map

Thursday, September 23, 2010

September highrights

This is a visitor’s month in the south rift;


A team from BBC visited the south rift on the 11th to 12th of this month gathering information about their film called unnatural histories. They were intrigued to find out how the local people feel about the concept of 'pristine wilderness' and the part that they as Maasai have played in shaping its ecology through time. They interviewed the Chair lady of the Olkiramatian Women Group, Titieyo Meiponyi and John Kamanga the Group Ranch Chairman as well as simply enjoyed the scenery.

Abercrombie & Kent

A team from Abercrombie & Kent will be visiting the south rift this weekend from Friday the 24th to Sunday the 26th. During their visit they will meet with the women leaders have a game drive/tracking lions with the researchers. They will also visit the south rift resource centre and have a walk with the baboons.

Roseann Hansen ACC US

Roseann Hansen is in the country and will be meeting with the Soralo community game scouts in the south rift on 2nd to 4th of October and make donations of cameras, binoculars, GPSs and other field stuff.

Exchange trip – Amboseli leaders

The Amboseli leaders will be visiting the south rift on an exchange trip on the 1st to 3rd of October 2010. They will visit the south rift resource centre and hold discussion with the women group leaders who run the centre. They will also enjoy a game drive and visit the Shompole and Loisiijo lodges. They will hold a meeting at the Oloika guest house with the Shompole leaders.

For more updates and stories about these visits and photos please check out this blog at the end of the month.

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